The embodiment of elegance and exclusivity
Mother of Pearl
The Oceans Secrets
I felt the suns kiss on my neck as my fingers reached towards natures allure. I couldn’t help myself but to explore the mesmerizing shapes and textures with my fingertips. Curious, with the softest touch. Distinctive patterns fusing together with their perfect highlights and shades, forming the roadmap to the oceans deepest secrets. What has been the mulluscs safe traveling armor, paints the story of a lifetime now... A subtle nudge brought my thoughts back to the present moment. I noticed the soft fabric of my white wedding dress flowing with the warm ocean breeze. "Are you ready?". "Yes".
I left the shells to the ecosystem they belonged to and a slight feeling of regret emerged as as I drank my tea the next morning. I had an inclination to capture the colorful cascade of stories I got a glimpse of but there was only a blurry snapshot I could use for reference. I looked for them in the same spot I have found them before but never saw them again. My lips formed to a smile. I have found the promise of mystery instead and painted it with a full heart. The rest is for you to discover.
The Art of Change
A connection to earth and everything in between. Self discovery - an end and a new beginning.
Every IDRIS artwork has the potential to be your portal to an elevated version of you. It is a journey to the goodness of your life - it was made to transform. And it certainly will transform the soul, which is ready.
Patience Gifts
Anything worth having is worth waiting for. I’ve come to this conclusion many times and it reflects the most important milestones we archive in life. The shells I’ve tried to capture and interpret with all their essence have been a home to one or more pearls, developing somewhere between six months and for years. Embodying the gifts of patient periods carrying us through struggles and triumphs.
Learning and growing takes time, sometimes those jewels come to light only the end of a journey. Just like pearls.
A Journey to your elevated Self:
A well of endless treasures
Look closer… What story is hidden for you? Where are you guided to? Which pearls are hidden at the end of your journey? What do you seek?
Envision the endless possibilities. Envision the force within your center. Envision your own light, your colors and beauty. What does it look like? What does it feel like? How does it taste and smell? How far do you radiate?
Sourcing the healing powers of frequencies
This Collection harnesses the power of natures healing sounds and frequencies. A symphony of the Solfeggio Frequencies has been the foundation of the creative process. In alternate medicine, sounds are used to enhance our intuition, sense of harmony, spiritual growth and balance within. During the collections creation phase the artist, Nina Davis, has been inspired by:
- 528Hz - the frequency of healing and transformation,
- 639Hz - the frequency of love and connection,
- 741Hz - the awakening frequency
- 852Hz - the intuition frequency
Those frequencies embody what the artworks are all about.
One lifetime - Endless potential
Every piece of this collection represents one lifetime. One lifetime with many stories hidden in a web of the unknown. Tales of wisdom, yet to be discovered. A mother and a child. A home and its nurturing nature. Light and shadows. An end and a new beginning.